In a step towards making India ‘Atmanirbhar,’ a city-based youth has come up with a Web hosting portal — HOST SEGEN. The portal was launched at the hands of Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on July 18.

Showering words of praises upon CEO of SEGEN Lalit Limbachiya, Gadkari said, “Youths are the strength of India. It is praiseworthy that youths are contributing to nation-building and making the country to become self-reliant in many sectors.”

Limbachiya explained to the Union Minister how the ‘Host Segen’ will help web-users, including schools, tuition classes, corporates, in having their data completely secured at the India-based host portal. Currently, the majority of the host portal providers have based abroad, especially Silicon Valley, USA. ‘Host Segen’ is one of few data security portal based in India itself. More details can be had on

Name of Organization: Host Segen
Posted by: Lalit Limbachiya
Mobile: +919371809990
Address: 90, East Wardhman Nagar, Nagpur

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